True or False: When I walk into a store, I’m searching for the 50+ section. All other sections no longer apply to my style.
Wow, what a statement! As a Haute Grey Fox, this line of thought is false and far from my reality. Why do people think that an age boxes in a woman’s style? I’d love to know more about this rule.
Dress your age. That heel is too high. I didn’t think you could wear something like that at your age.
These are all things we’ve heard, but here are three questions that come to mind when deciding my outfit choice — regardless of what people consider to be age-appropriate. If I can confidently answer these questions, I’m walking out the door in my fabulous get-up, and I’m ready to conquer the day.
Am I wearing the outfit — or is it the other way around?
I’m sure you’ve heard this question. It’s all about your comfort and confidence level from head to toe when you walk out the door each day. If you’re not wearing the right size, or if the hem line is a little shorter than you’d like, all of this shows on your face, through your walk and in your body language. Then, you not only feel uncomfortable — you look uncomfortable. That’s not the attitude we want to show the world, so make sure you wear your outfit.
Why am I wearing this outfit?
The reason for wearing an outfit says much more than you think. If the answer is centered more around “them” instead of “you,” you may need to think twice about your decision. Remember, you don’t have to wear the latest trend just because you saw someone else the day before. On the contrary, you also don’t have to be afraid to try a trend out of fear for what others may say — even our younger sisters.
Instead, you can say, “I feel pretty confident that this would look great on me, so I’m going to try it! I always feel beautiful in this style of clothing, and I may have worn a similar piece years ago.”
Who am I while wearing this outfit?
To me, this is the most important question. As Haute Grey Foxes, we’re pretty comfortable with who we’ve grown to become. We know what makes us unique — flaws and all. If wearing an outfit goes against your personal style, character and personality, know that it’s okay to move on to another outfit that suits you best.
Meshon Moore says
Im a fIrm believer of “if you like it And it looks good on you, wear it”” And by the way, you always look Amazing.
hautegreyfox says
I agree so much my friend. Thanks for your comments!
Brigitte forer says
This is ao truw! I need to Really To oaybatrention what i feed my mind. You arw beautiful friend! Inside anD out.
hautegreyfox says
Thanks you so much!!! Please pay attention to self talk my friend.
Tahisha Reid says
I Love this ARTICLE!!! I’ve had women ask for style advice and add that they want to make sure they are “dressing for their age” . I always asked, what does that mean for you? This concept of age specific dressing is a direct reflection of a persons Mindset of what they should look like at a certaiN AGe, Marital Status, whether they are mothers or not, etc… i choose to not box myself into a nUmber, But rather dress in what makes me feel beAutifuL aNd confIdent,. Thanks for sharing!
Phyllis caRroll says
Oh I love it! Just the other day i asked my young adult son about a sKirt that i absolutElY loved and have been considering on purchasing for An event. His response was, “are you sure? The model appears to Be my age mom.” I shrUgged my shouLders and left the paGe. But now, I am purchasing that skirt! I love it and i want it!