How did I celebrate my 50+ years of life??? Well I took a short trip to one of my favorite travel destinations. And as usual the city did not disappoint. As I strolled through beautiful Savanna GA, I thought how quickly time has passed.
The weather was perfect! I visited a number of amazing little one of a kind boutiques. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of bushy tail foxes being sold in many of the boutiques. I even found a quaint little coffee shop called The Coffee Fox! I felt like a kid as I smiled at my cute little foxy finds. I am often told that I do not look or act my age… Every time I hear this I wonder what 50+ looks or acts like.
Sometimes I can’t believe I am 50+. Life has been complicated, crazy and yes even painful at times. All of those experiences even the painful ones made me appreciate who I am today. I feel humbled and blessed to still see and experience the beauty of life. I believe without a doubt that the next half of my life will be more amazing and rewarding than the first half. Santa told me so!
My favorite saying is “don’t look back, you aren’t going that way”
I feel grateful that those painful early life experiences did not make me bitter or cynical. Those lessons were responsible for shaping a life that I love. On this birthday I am reminded that “Happiness is not a goal…it’s a by-product of a life well lived.”- Eleanor Roosevelt
Love this post! I hope to act and look as good as you when I’m 50plus. If you’re what it looks like I say bring it on!!! Love your fun loving spirit.
Thank you!