We’ve heard the word “pause” quite a bit during this pandemic. It won’t take you long to make a list of what has been on hold personally and professionally. We’ve also heard the push to continue moving forward with the things that matter the most.

Healthy relationships will always be high on the list. On the most challenging of days, a kind word from a friend can make things feel a little less stressful. What about professional relationships, though? These are important, too.
Hope has been the word that I have been holding tightly over these past months. I look forward to whatever our new normal will be, but I won’t stop pursuing opportunities to learn more from others and share a few things from my perspective, too. For me, this includes building more relationships with other amazingly talented bloggers.
Here are three reasons to keep moving forward:
1. Now is the time.
I get it — these are uncertain times. However, there’s no better time to respond to that job posting, reach out to that brand, or follow-up with a dream employer. Yes, things are different now. You may begin your journey as a remote employee. You may also transition to a job that has always been a passion.
2. There will be a new normal.
I’ll say it again — I have no clue what things will look like in the future. However, staying on top of learning from and with others is a great way to be a part of this new normal. Continue to update your online profile and always keep the desire to gain more experience.
3. You are still passionate.
We all have that excitement when we’re doing something that we love. Let’s not lose this joyful gift during the pandemic. Continue to create on your own time and without pressure. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a mentor in your industry. Don’t let fear of the future prevent you from making meaningful connections.
What’s next for me?
• I will continue to look for partnership opportunities with brands and other bloggers.
• I won’t stop finding ways to improve my video and photography skills.
• I will be realistic about uncertainty, but bold in my pursuit.