Ask yourself, how are you living each day? Are you growing, or are you groaning? I can truly say that growing each day is much more exciting!
If there is one thing that I’ve been reminded of during these past months, it has been that our time here is limited. We may have plans for 2020, but there is no guarantee that things will be as we imagined.
Yes, this reality can create fear. I encourage you to see it as a challenge to live purposefully, enjoy every moment, and to remember that, while things are lovely, they are no comparison to the gift of faith, relationships, and life experiences.
Which season describes your life?
It happens. We all have a bad day – or a bad week. But what about a whole season where you feel like you are complaining, pushing people away, and having a loud and unwelcoming pity party? This can happen. Life can deliver some things that are less than desirable, complicated, and really painful.
If you feel like you’re in this season, I challenge you to reach out to someone. Talk about the feelings you’re experiencing and share how they’ve been with you for a while. It’s okay. Let someone help.
Grief is real. Disappointment hurts. Sadness can sideline your joy. These are all real human experiences. You shouldn’t walk through these emotions alone, but you shouldn’t stay in these emotions, either.
It may be hard to see, but there’s so much joy to experience! Trust me.
Here’s a fact: This stage isn’t perfect either. In fact, you may be dealing with even more twists and turns and many of the things that deserve a groaning season. However, the difference with the growth stage is your response. In this season, your ability to process disappointment, sadness or frustration in a safe and healthy way has matured.
When you’re in the growing stage, the things that inspire you remain a priority. You stay focused, inspired, and determined. Then, you want nothing more than to help others grow. Joy is contagious. You are surrounded by friends who are growing, and you are excited.
Wherever you may be in your life right now, I challenge you to fight to spend more time growing, loving, and enjoying – even on the hard days. Find that thing that inspires you, and keep pushing.