My beloved MeMe gave me the best birthday card and advice ever. She said, NEVER grow UP Stay FUN AND you will never age. As I looked back over the images taken in 2015 I noticed a common theme. Dancing, laughter, love, appreciation, gratitude and just living out loud. I have overcome many challenges in my life, and decided early on that those challenges would be the fuel to live a better life, one filled with purpose. I am excited about 2016. I have awesome plans for my life…focusing on those things that make me happy and free, and letting go of those things (bad habits, grudges, toxic relationships etc.) that have no place in my life. I have already updated my vision board and will continue living a life filled with love, laughter and fun. I made a decision long ago that I wanna be forever young. Care to join me?
Good luck to your blog as I continue to follow regularly.