I have to admit when my husband mentioned a road trip, my eyes involuntarily rolled. The excitement on his face was so childlike. I quietly wondered if a 9+ hour road trip would lead to marriage counseling. You see the mere thought of a road trip brought back horrible memories of a previous road trip gone bad…very bad. How could I tell him to get on his iPhone and call the airline ASAP…? Mr. Haute Grey fox, usually a “go with the flow” kind of guy took it upon himself to put a plan in place. A plan that included mapped out amazing shopping locations, 5 star dinning, frequent stops to capture amazing pics along the way. Did I mention the shopping was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G? I had this intense conversation with my self. I told myself , hey I am a fox, and not just any ordinary fox, I am a HAUTE GREY FOX… Someone who loves to prowl, check out new places and capture images along the way. I psyched myself up and decided to embrace the journey!
The day had come to experience our road trip. Since I am not the greatest driver (and a little spoiled and don’t have to drive) I decided that I would be the most amazing shotgun rider ever! You may be wondering what is a shotgun rider and what does it take to be an amazing one? A shotgun rider is a person’s partner in crime, their best friend, and the person they want most riding in the passenger seat. With a shotgun rider no matter what life throws at them they can handle it.
So take some tips from a pretty Haute shotgun rider:
Prepare a play list. I chose upbeat songs with a rhythmic beat. My playlist was so awesome, let’s just say there were times when we wanted to park the car and get out and dance! Also, I videotaped our off key singing and sent to friends so they could experience our road trip. At first my fairly reserved husband was a little awkward but before long he was belting out R&B songs like a pro, o.k. maybe not a pro but his enthusiasm made up for what he lacked in rhythm.
To be an amazing shotgun rider you should also pack safety supplies. Chances are you may never use some of the items you pack, however if for some reason you are traveling in the middle of nowhere and need a first aid kit, or duct tape you want to be prepared. Always pack water, toilet paper, an umbrella and a blanket.
Also you future amazing shotgun riders, pack quick items like energy bars, fruit, trail mix, nuts and raw veggies if you want to cover a lot of ground and not have to stop to for snacks. For drinks and water you may want to pack a cooler.
Lastly, the most important items as a shotgun rider is your enthusiasm, positive attitude and energetic spirit. If you don’t bring anything else but this I guarantee your trip will be as amazing as our road trip.
Super chic darling! Baci, Valeria – Coco et La vie en rose NEW OUTFIT POST
Thanks lovely! @Coco
Hi! My first visit here to your site, so fabulous! I love everything about this post, well written and you know I love the outfit??✨?
Thanks so much my Instafriend!! I absolutely love being inspired and connecting with so many like minded amazing women.