Less than five minutes after you post a photo, a video or a blog post, you’re back in the app or on the website. Why? Well, you may be double-checking the spelling on your caption, but I guarantee that you’re checking to see how many people have responded to your post. Have they liked your post? Did they share it with a friend?

Whether you recognize the weight of social media approval, it exists. The value that you assign to this approval can either keep you in a healthy space of working to create great content that makes you proud or an unhealthy space of working to only create content for a response or a debate in your comments section.
Here’s a question for you: Would you still post a photo to Instagram if the “like” feature disappeared?

Before I knew that compensation was even an option for blogging and social media engagement, I was just so excited to share my passion with other people and challenge myself to grow in how I created and delivered my content.
When you’re passionate about something, it takes work and resources. I get it. One thing that is also true about a passion is that your “work” becomes a joy rather than a job.
As the formulas change for how often posts are viewed or the times they appear on individual timelines, I challenge you to look past the number. Instead, check out your comments. See if people are engaging, and be sure to join the conversation.
If I’m doing the math, I want to focus on these numbers:
• The number of times I smile when friends text me or comment about a post that has inspired them to try a new outfit or a different shade of lipstick
• The number of times I am thankful for when a fellow sister tags me or recognizes me as a friend on social media
• The number of partnerships I receive when a brand notices my kindness and encouragement when sharing my love about I topic that I value
Social media is a stress reliever for me. When it’s starting to cause me stress, it’s time to look closely at where I’m finding my value. When I see a sister confidently sharing her fabulous outfit, or bringing us along on a traveling adventure, she will automatically get a like from me — and a comment if time permits. I thank her for sharing what she loves.
Are you sharing what you love?
My platform is being “socially Brave” this is where we go outsIde ouR coMfort zone and Grow. I show by example and share other stories. yes, share what i love, howEver i paY attention to the like as a MeasUring tool. Is my INFORMATION resinating with The FOLLOWERS. I loVe your AWARENESS anD appreciAte the reminder. You are socially brave my friend!
I loved this post! For me it is a stress reliever. I have so many creative juices in my brian they have to come out in some kind of way. Inhope this like situta gets RESOLVED . No matrer a like ir not i would Still be here. . Thank you for sharing !
I loved READING this blog. Mindful of my mAth.
Thanks fOr taking the time to write this post.